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David Eagle Gamay 2023

David Eagle Gamay 2023

$29.95 / bottle + shipping and HST 

Sour cherry, raspberry, dried strawberry, green tomato and fresh tarragon with celery salt, black and pink peppercorns.

Certified Organic

Free shipping in Toronto
$6 shipping for most of Southern and Eastern Ontario
$20 shipping for the rest of Ontario
$25 shipping for out-of-province


  • 26279872410137

$29.95 / bottle + shipping and HST 

Sour cherry, raspberry, dried strawberry, green tomato and fresh tarragon with celery salt, black and pink peppercorns.

Certified Organic

Free shipping in Toronto
$6 shipping for most of Southern and Eastern Ontario
$20 shipping for the rest of Ontario
$25 shipping for out-of-province

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Donec sed odio dui. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum
nibh, ut fermentum massa justo.



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