Georgian Bay Field Blend 2023
$27.95 / bottle + shipping and HST
Tart strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla ice-cream. Underlying raspberry leaf and cucumber. Blackberry Kool-Aid and hibiscus tea on the palate.
Chilled Red-White Blend
Free shipping in Toronto
$6 shipping for most of Southern and Eastern Ontario
$20 shipping for the rest of Ontario
$25 shipping for out-of-province
$27.95 / bottle + shipping and HST
Tart strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla ice-cream. Underlying raspberry leaf and cucumber. Blackberry Kool-Aid and hibiscus tea on the palate.
Chilled Red-White Blend
Free shipping in Toronto
$6 shipping for most of Southern and Eastern Ontario
$20 shipping for the rest of Ontario
$25 shipping for out-of-province
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nibh, ut fermentum massa justo.