Claire de Lune Riesling 2021
$29.95 / bottle + shipping and HST
Juicy peach, yellow plum, orange zest, sour lemon candy and bruised apple, with florals including chamomile and honeysuckle. Fresh sage with an earthy minerality.
Whimsical and dreamy
Free shipping in Toronto
$6 shipping for most of Southern and Eastern Ontario
$20 shipping for the rest of Ontario
$25 shipping for out-of-province
$29.95 / bottle + shipping and HST
Juicy peach, yellow plum, orange zest, sour lemon candy and bruised apple, with florals including chamomile and honeysuckle. Fresh sage with an earthy minerality.
Whimsical and dreamy
Free shipping in Toronto
$6 shipping for most of Southern and Eastern Ontario
$20 shipping for the rest of Ontario
$25 shipping for out-of-province
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nibh, ut fermentum massa justo.